Red Bull Flugtag, Sydney. Holla!
The sun is out shining, the trees are swaying in the breeze, and I'm sitting inside wishing I could enjoy the day... Bummer. But its finals time here at Macquarie University and some people have already left (Shout out to Lucas in Italia, do work brother) and others are gearing up to leave. Whats really a trip is how fast this thing came to a close... I have 2 finals left and then a week to cruise; then Herzi, New York, and I are going to Fiji to meet up with Bri guy and Philthy. Should be solid with a chance of epic...
This has really been an amazing trip so far; where in the world could I say I pet a kangaroo, snowboarded in August, and see the purest sand in the world? Australia thats where... (NZ can come too) Haha to be honest, it seems like a blur now though... All those Fridays at Ivy and Saturdays at Argyle have kinda blurred into one tremendous experience. I wish there was more time to see all the places on the map that ive spent time staring at, wishing I was there, but now thats just incentive to make some paper and come back. You feel me? But until then, heres my boys in the bay doing work on a new project. Holla at ya boy Zumbi!