Here I am one quarter down, back on the grind at Cal Poly... I've just started watching Californication and I'm feeling a little like Hank Moody right now so here goes nothing for that drunken bastard/genius. Winter Quarter is over in SLO and Australia is long gone. However, its not as gloomy and sad as you might think. In the short time that I've been back in America I've seen more than a handful of friends from over seas so far. In two trips to San Diego, I've gone to two different shows, had two amazing times, and had way too much fun. We got to see Calvin Harris again, Steve Aoki, and Avicii all of who were unreal. Each DJ was completely different but ultimately had the same goal, rock the fucking dance floor... And if you asked anyone who was there, that mission was accomplished. Not only was San Diego crackin unlike any other city in america, we got to spend time with true friends which only made it more special. Don't get me wrong, San Luis Obispo is incredible (and the happiest city in America) but its pretty hard to compete with the Devon beach front atmosphere in sunny San Diego. Having said that, I do have to say how proud I am of the music scene here in SLO town. We have no one to thank other than Killa Cam for what I'm bout to drop on you folks. The man, the myth, the legend, THE Wolfgang Gartner will be gracing us with his presence in our little town on April 5th at the Grad here in SLO. This may not seem like a big deal, but for a MAJOR Dj to make a stop on his North American Tour in our fair city is borderline incredible. It just shows what a great atmosphere can do for a DJ and a dank ass company like Collective Effort to bring it all together. Now I just have to focus on finals, and get cruisin on to the next step in this journey called life. Until then enjoy the slice of slaps... SHOOTS!