Once again in this beautiful place I call home, I had a wild weekend that included going to the Australia vs. New Zealand Tri-Nations Cup Title game, journeying to THE FUCKING BIGGEST IMAX IN THE WORLD (Yes caps are necessary), and visiting old friends in downtown Sydney. While us cruisers were at the game we found out why rugby is so damn popular here down under, there are 15 gigantic men running into each other at full speed sans pads trying to dive into the endzone with the little footy (football). All the while, there are 70,000 drunk fans screaming their heads off trying to influence the game as much as humanly possible. Even though we were in the nosebleeds, I still felt like my screaming paid off because the All Blacks won 23-22, in the best rugby match ive ever seen (Sorry Wallabees). What was also really cool about the game was it was at ANZ Stadium aka home of the Sydney Olympics in 2000. Being at an Olympic sized stadium is a trip and a half, there is such history there, such glory. When you think about all the great athletes who competed in the olympics it really grounded me; it made me want to experience the wide world of sport even more (Now if we can only get a W from the Raiders ill be able to rest easy...)

Next up on this journey of a lifetime, me and some of the boys went and saw Hubble 3D at the IMAX theatre in Darling Harbor. All I can really say about this is WOW, it felt like we were flying through space and for those of you who can see it somehow, i HIGHLY suggest it. Bonus: Leonardo DiCaprio narrates the entire film. Fuck yeah. Finally in this tour de force of a weekend, me and my roommate Herzi went downtown to the city friday afternoon and strolled through town. We got some beers at a nice pub during happy hour on friday, went to the top of the Sky Tower in the heart of the city, and finished the day off with a tour of St. Marys Cathedral in St. James. Hands down most beautiful cathedral ive ever been in my life. The architecture and stain glass windows alone were gorgeous enough to make you want to stay all day. The weekend is over and we are back to the grind here at Macquarie University, however spring break starts on Friday with Conception Day. A gigantic concert/party/festival for all the students here in honor of the creation of this great university. After that i'm off to Whitsunday for some sailing and more adventure.
P.s. This video is so sick it made me want to tear out my eyes. Wait... What?
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