As the weekend wound down I found myself and my P.I.C. for life Adam in Christchurch, New Zealand. If there were a couple of things you need to know about New Zealand they would be: 1. New Zealand (aka the most peaceful country in the world) is without a doubt the most beautiful country ive ever been to. Even during the flight over here my jaw dropped because there are so many beautiful sights to be seen here. Mountains, valleys, rivers, and sheep. Glorious, glorious sheep. 2. They love to be Xtreme. Their national pastime is bungy jumping (oh those krazy kiwis), there is some of the best snowboarding in the world (More on this later), and everywhere you look there is either a snowshop or some little grom walking around with a skate and a badass attitude. 3. Everyone is super nice. And how could you not be? You're living in fucking New Zealand. 4. Lord of the Rings, probably one of my favorite trilogies ever (Sorry I know what you did last summer) was filmed here. And being the film nut that I am, I'm going to come back here to go on a tour of every scene that I can because New Zealand reps LOTR so damn hard. Our adventure all culmiated with snowboarding at Mt. Hutt. I'm too tired and sore to write about it right now, so I'll leave you squabbers with a sick snowboard movie from NZ.
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